Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Viewer Log: X-Men: TAS ep 33

The Phoenix takes flight. 

Last time on X-Men: The Animated Series, the X-Men headed back to space. The Phoenix used her immense power to transport the combat oriented X-Men to Lilandra’s ship by transforming into her Phoenix form. They arrive and see the M’Kraan Crystal, a large gem that apparently can destroy the whole universe. Before they can really do with this, the group is attacked by the Starjammers, a group of pirates lead by a human named Corsair. The X-Men try to fight them off but as they get the upper hand Corsair has his ship fire a stunning blast that knocks them out. The situation is further complicated due to Phoenix reading Corsair’s mind and realizing that he’s Scott Summers’ presumed dead father Christopher. She’s knocked out before she can tell anyone this. The Starjammers take the crystal and Cyclops with them. Corsair makes a deal with Emperor D’Ken, he gets half the imperial treasury and D’Ken gets the crystal. We learn a moment after the deal is struck that D’Ken plans to betray it, a fact that real upsets Gladiator. Corsair talks with Cyclops, revealing that he’s planning on using Cyclops to murder D’Ken, asking him to optic blast the crystal when he has a chance. Cyclops wants to know why and Corsair reveals his wife was killed by D’Ken years ago and he wants payback. The Starjammers arrive to make the trade, the X-Men warping in at the last second to save them after Phoenix locks onto Cyclops mind. A huge firefight breaks out, the X-Men and Corsair attempting to fall back with the crystal. Unfortunately, D’Ken and Gladiator get around them and grab the crystal and Lilandra to use as a hostage. D’Ken opens the crystal and begins to absorb it’s energy. Phoenix tries to stop him but the power transfer happens too quickly and she’s not strong enough yet. Just before the credits roll Phoenix says that if they can’t stop D’Ken the whole universe will be pulled into the crystal. Enough recap. Let’s get to it.


We return to see D’Ken absorbing the M’Kraan crystal’s energy, causing him to pixilate for some reason and grow huge. The X-Men try to fight him off, but their powers don’t hurt him. The line “You fools. Your foolishness amuses me,” made me scratch my head at the redundant word choice but moving on. He suddenly gets pulled into the crystal and disappears. Gladiator asks what’s going on, and Phoenix says that he is now one with the crystal and is making his own universe within it. And they’ll all be sucked in… probably in about 18 minutes or so, given the half hour timeslot. Corsair orders his team to evacuate and get as far away from D’Ken’s ship as possible. Phoenix tells her friends to fall back as well so she can test to see if the power of the phoenix can contain D’Ken’s insanity. She morphs into her phoenix form and flies them to the Starjammer before doubling back. We see the other Shi’ar evacuate the ship as she flies in and says to herself that she must learn how to heal the crystal.


Cyclops demands to see what’s happening and Corsair pulls up a feed of D’Ken’s ship, though he says they’ll be out of range soon. Phoenix asks the crystal to help her heal it, but then is drawn into the crystal. A shockwave fires off from the ship and everyone gets drawn back towards the M’Kraan crystal. Turns out it’s going full blackhole and drawing all nearby matter into it. Corsair orders his ship to fire on it, just to try to do something but it doesn’t even slow it down. Unfortunately given it’s placement and blackhole qualities, the crystal starts drawing in mass from the sun.


On Earth, Jubilee is outside, sulking about being left behind again when she sees the sun start to go dark. She runs inside to warn the professor. Charles is in the middle of a call with Storm who is reporting that major weather disturbances are occurring globally. She doesn’t say it out right but her word choice suggests she’s trying to use her powers to correct this but it isn’t going well. He explains to her that they’ve detected a gravitational disturbance near the sun that he assumes is the crystal and that soon it’ll gobble up the whole solar system at minimum. Jubilee asks if there’s any hope to stop it and Charles says the hope is the X-Men.


On the Starjammer, Gladiator tells Lilandra that he’s sorry his service to her as empress has to be under these… universe ending circumstances. Ya, as I said before, Gladiator’s loyalty is to the throne so the second that D’Ken peaced out to enter the crystal and no longer was able to do his duty as Emperor, he swapped to team Lilandra. The Starjammer keeps getting drawn into the gravity well. As they start to get drawn in, Gambit grabs Rogue and tells her if this is their last ride they’ll take it together. He goes in for a kiss but they get thrown about before he can get drained in a romantic last stand. The ship gets pulled into the crystal and crashes into… something. The landscape has an almost organic feel to it, like they’re standing on a giant mass of flesh more than a planet. Lilandra asks what happened to D’Ken, only for the emperor to reveal himself in the form of a giant pulsing light. He recreates a giant version of his body, saying that he’ll pull in the universe and rule it forever. Wolverine, having had enough of this guy, says he’s going down fighting and he, Gambit and Rogue try to rush him. He blasts them with lightning and throws them back. Rogue, not deterred, throws a boulder at him but D’Ken turns it to mush. He laughs and tells them they don’t understand. He grows a new body of stone from the landscape to show off his power. Cyclops sees Phoenix in the distance, her body turned to tattered cloth. Lilandra tries to reason with her brother, pointing out that he’s now trapped in the Crystal and that if they don’t close it again their entire empire will be consumed as well. D’Ken doesn’t care. Gladiator flies at him to try to stop his ravings, but get’s knocked aside. Rogue catches him and they land together. D’Ken declares he’s grown bored with them and he’s going to finish them off. His stone body crumbles, and he forms into a face in the sky. He catches Lilandra in a beam from one of his eyes and draws her skyward. Cyclops, shocked, tells Logan that he never thought he’d say it, but there’s nothing them can do.


Back on Earth, Mt. Fuji is erupting. A hero known as Sunfire is holding off the lava as best he can. Storm’s spiritual son Mjnari is helping evacuate people in Tanzania. And we see the silhouette of Spider-Man helping save people from debris as War Machine flies a woman to safety. In Canada, Alpha Flight is protecting civilians. And in New York Storm is using her powers to block tidal waves. She reports that the immediate threat to New York is over, but to her senses it feels like the Earth has gone mad. Charles tells her to try to remain calm. He knows the disturbances will end if the X-Men can stop what’s happening.


Inside the Crystal, the X-Men, Praetorian Guarda and Starjammers try to save Lilandra from D’Ken and fight off his stone soldiers. They’re efforts are easily thwarted by the fact D’Ken is literally the world around them. His body gets destroyed but he forms a new one from stone. He shatters the landscape and grabs his sister, saying they’ll watch him punish her for her treachery. Phoenix finally recovers, taking on her firebird form. She whisks everyone back to Lilandra’s ship, saying that’s far enough from D’Ken’s influence to be safe. D’Ken demands the Phoenix leave his galaxy. She says that the crystal has consumed him but the galaxy won’t suffer the same fate. The firebird phoenix stays behind to hold D’Ken off while her human form drops everyone off at Lilandra’s ship. She explains that her time out of the spotlight let them (referring to herself and Jean as separate entities) how to restore the crystal. She also says that Jean was chosen as her vessel in part for her empathic abilities and it’s those powers that helped her get an understanding for the crystal. She says she’s going to merge with the matrix of the crystal and try to patch the hole D’Ken made. Cyclops says she might get trapped inside, but Jean tells him not to try to stop her. He wants to come with her, but she says he can’t. Wolverine tells her that he knows, but that doesn’t’ make it easy. She says goodbye to them all and has a passionate kiss with Scott before going full Phoenix and flying at the crystal.


We see a visualization of the crack in it and Phoenix trying to fill it with her body. She calls on Charles’ Wisdom, Ororo’s Compassion, Hank’s gentleness, Jubilee’s Innocence, Logan’s courage, and Scott’s Love. While she leaves out Rogue and Gambit for some reason, they are included in her mental image of a great tree of bonds that help her seal the crack. D’Ken tries to stop her but he’s locked in tight at this point. The Crystal shrinks and merges with the heart of Phoenix.


On Earth, the calamities stop, but Charles muses at what cost did this victory come. Back in space, Jean tells the X-Men that the crack has been sealed, but to make sure this doesn’t happen again she’s going to have to take the crystal somewhere where mortals can’t get at it. The core of the sun won’t destroy it, but it’s somewhere that mortals can’t reach easily, so that’s what she’s settled on. She says goodbye to Cyclops and he says goodbye to his love. Maybe mention his dad is alive, Jeanie? NO? Kay. She dives into the heart of the sun.


Back at Castle Cassidy, everyone says their goodbyes. Both Charles and Lilandra tell the other to stay/come with them, but their duties make that impossible. They share a kiss though. Corsair apologizes to Cyclops for the whole… ya know, using him in his plan to kill D’Ken. He admits since his wife died, he’s only thought of revenge. But now that it’s been had he’s going to have to find a new thing to live for. Scott accepts, saying that no one knows how they’ll react to grief. They part, Scott musing that he’d have liked to talk to Corsair more, since they have loss in common. Bro. Tell. Him. Your. First. And. Last. Name! Or Corsair, you do it. Both of you should know enough about human culture to know that Cyclops and Corsair aren’t people names! Siggghhhh. Okay. Beast gives him a quote by Dickenson about partings as the Shi’ar fly out. Cyclops looks toward the sun and clearly wants to be alone. Logan digs out the picture he has of Scott and Jean (weird that you have that, Logan) and whispers her name before leaving. Charles asks Scott if he knows the legend of the phoenix, and Scott says he’s not in the mood for legends. He tells Scott about the Phoenix raising from the ashes before leaving him with his thoughts. He looks toward the sun as it sets and sees Jean’s face as he begins to cry.


I remember this finale shocking me as a kid. But obviously as an adult I know that there’s a zero percent chance Jean would be gone for long. The gate to Mutant Heaven is a revolving door, at least for the most popular characters. This was a great finale to the arc, though. We got to see just how screwed the world would be if D’Ken’s plan came to pass and just how much power the Phoenix had to throw around to stop him. One thing I liked about this era of Marvel cartoons was the fact that the production team did all these cameos (even if technically they weren’t legally allowed to) of other Marvel heroes and properties to show that other heroes are picking up the slack while the X-Men are handling the big threat. It always bugs me when a huge calamity is happening and it’s implied to be handled by one character or a small team. Like… obviously when the world is being shaken to its foundations and there’s global disasters, you need more than 8 people to handle things. Especially in a Marvel universe where a not-zero percent of people have powers too. Plus, I love Spider-Man, so getting to see him cameo is always a plus for me. The final bit where Phoenix is sealing the crack is a great little moment of her acknowledging her relationships (even though she left out Rogue and Gambit for some reason). I like when a character gives a nod to the important people in their life before making a big sacrifice. It makes things like seeing Beast tear up and Scott and Logan’s moans of sorrow seem more believable. I did want someone to acknowledge that Scott and Corsair are related but that’s my one nitpick. Like… Logan, surely they smell similar in a weird way, right? Ugh, I’m griping about a show that’s almost as old as I am as if they could fix these details, I am such a nerd. Anyway, the Phoenix Saga is an example of some of Marvel’s best adapted stories for a reason. The only one that I think that’s held in higher regard is the Dark Phoenix saga… but more on that later. So yeah, good finale, Jean is gone but we all know she’s coming back soon. In part because this show is over 30 years old and in part because comics. See you tomorrow when we see how Scott’s handling the loss. Have a good night. 

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